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Engage Mission

march 1-3, 2024

We had a blast in 2023! Join in for 2024!

About 9 years ago, God gave me a vision of churches from all across the Country coming together as ONE to build the kingdom of God. Too many churches feel like they are alone and get overwhelmed with the task of reaching their communities with the Gospel of Jesus. We want you know that you are not alone!

Engage Conference is about empowering churches to come together, form relationships, and move forward as the Body of Christ! Our greatest weapon against the enemy is UNITY, and together we can work as one to advance God's Kingdom!


-Pastor Keith Screws, Founder of Engage Missions

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© 2023 by Engage Missions. Proudly created with

Morning Breakout Sessions held at Greenbrier Road Baptist Church 
Address: 1235 Greenbrier Dear Rd. Anniston, AL 36207

Night Worship Sessions held at Lighthouse Church of Oxford
Address: 2005 Hinton Dr, Oxford, AL 36203

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